Comment to ' via mobile - about the editor'
  • This is something that can be change in Froala module if you want. For example, I use the mini editor so, if I want to change what gets shown, this is what you do:

    Go into Studio > Froala app. 

    Say you want to change how the editor shows in Mobile Mini Editor. Here is the default settings. 

    {'moreText': {'buttons': ['bold', 'italic', 'underline','quote'],'buttonsVisible': 0},'moreRich': {'buttons': ['insertLink', 'insertImage','emoticons', 'embedly'],'buttonsVisible': 0},'moreMisc': {'buttons': ['undo', 'redo', 'fullscreen'],'align': 'right','buttonsVisible': 0}}

    Lets break this down a little. One of the things you want to pay attention to is the buttonsVisible setting. 

    The buttonsVisible display how many of the button will actual show instead of the 3 dots stacked on top of each other.. 

    moreText = The styles dealing with texts (Bold , Italic, etc.)

    moreRich = the extras such as InsertImage, emoticons, embedly, etc.

    So let's say I want ALL the "moreRich" buttons to display in my editor. I would make the following change in this area:

    Default: 'moreRich': {'buttons': ['insertLink', 'insertImage','emoticons', 'embedly'],'buttonsVisible': 0

     Edited to show all icons:

    'moreRich': {'buttons': ['insertLink', 'insertImage','emoticons', 'embedly'],'buttonsVisible': 4

    So I have changed the buttonsVisible from a 0 to a 4 and all the buttons display. 

    What you will need to do is make the changes on the type of editor you use in order to display how many buttons you want to show before the 3 dots. 

    Hope this helps.