Comment to 'Warming up to UNA'
  • Back on the topic again - I have suggested one simple change across some module type and would really like to to see them implemented as a matter of creating engagement and increasing dwell time and page views.

    While viewing groups, pages, articles, profiles, organizations, post etc we NEED to have the ability to click NEXT and PREVIOUS to navigate. For sites that are heavy on content or for your wiki or glossary module it is also important.  

    It keeps members engaged and wanting to see what is next.  If someone has to go back to a top level or search to find something else they will lose interest quickly.

    AQB Soft Andrew Boon MSolutions please keep this in mind as you develop and try to accommodate this simple change please.

    I need this especially for the Articles, Posts, and Groups applications urgently.

    By the way - I still love the platform and my site members are getting the hang of using it. Keep up the great work.😊