Comment to 'About visibility'
Comment to About visibility
  • Hello @Cem !

    The privacy is system universal part that's wy we don't like when someone tries to edit itcodes directly. How it works by the Persons app example. It's enough to have the records in the install/sql/enable.sql file like:

    INSERT INTO `sys_objects_privacy` (`object`, `module`, `action`, `title`, `default_group`, `spaces`, `table`, `table_field_id`, `table_field_author`, `override_class_name`, `override_class_file`) VALUES

    ('bx_persons_allow_view_to', 'bx_persons', 'view', '_bx_persons_form_profile_input_allow_view_to', '3', '', 'bx_persons_data', 'id', 'author', 'BxPersonsPrivacy', 'modules/boonex/persons/classes/BxPersonsPrivacy.php')

    The values like -2 means that the item has been posted into context and in this case it has the "negative" id of context.