Comment to 'Messenger 12.0.5'
Comment to Messenger 12.0.5
  • We added "Shoutbox" to "view-video" pages, that creates a lot of "new chats" and pushes messages between users down the list. If you upload lot's of videos in one go, all the user messages disappear down below the new page chats even when there are No comment on the page yet.

    Is there a way to keep active conversations above new page chat's that do not contain any comments? Or to hide the pages without conversations?

    (Pasting an image into this chat box does not work, the image does not load inline on the page, had to use the paper clip to attach an image)

    • Hello!

      By default, items in the talks' list are ordered by update time or if talk is empty then by date of talk's creation, thus you can see as first, talk which was created last even if it is empty.

      So, you can replace this line

      IF (`l`.`{$this->CNF['FIELD_UPDATED']}` = 0, `l`.`{$this->CNF['FIELD_ADDED']}`, `l`.`{$this->CNF['FIELD_UPDATED']}`) as `order` 

      with this

      `l`.`{$this->CNF['FIELD_UPDATED']}` as `order`

      in file modules/boonex/messenger/BxMessengerDb.php.

      After that it will work as you described, first you will see talks with messages only and empty talks will be in the end of the list and to see them member should scroll to the very bottom of the list.

      About Photos: Do you mean you can not copy/past image file to the browser window on PC? It works but not the all browsers suport this ability. It works in Chrome for example, but doesn't work in FF.