Comment to 'Internal Server Error immediately after install'
  • image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=351&dpx=1&t=1652415428

    please need help since 2 days try to install UNA and always get this error.

    thansk for your help

    ( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Less_Exception_Compiler: variable @bx-page-width is undefined in file template-css-default.less in default.less on line 4, column 11 2| 3| .bx-def-page-width { 4| width:@bx-page-width; 5| } 6| 7| .bx-def-box-sizing { in plugins-wikimedia-less.php-lib-Less-Tree-Variable.php on line 48( ! ) Less_Exception_Compiler: variable @bx-page-width is undefined in file template-css-default.less in default.less on line 4, column 11 2| 3| .bx-def-page-width { 4| width:@bx-page-width; 5| } 6| 7| .bx-def-box-sizing { in plugins-wikimedia-less.php-lib-Less-Tree-Variable.php on line 48Call Stack#TimeMemoryFunctionLocation10.78053889808BxDolDb->pdoExceptionHandler( $oException = class Less_Exception_Compiler { public $currentFile = ['entryPath' => 'studio-template-css-', 'entryUri' => 'http:--', 'rootpath' => 'studio-template-css-', 'currentDirectory' => 'template-css-', 'currentUri' => 'http:--', 'filename' => 'template-css-default.less', 'uri_root' => 'http:--', 'reference' => TRUE]; public $index = 56; protected $input = '@import \'_mixins.less\';\n\n.bx-def-page-width {\n width:@bx-page-width;\n}\n\n.bx-def-box-sizing {\n .box-sizing(border-box);\n}\n\n.bx-def-align-center {\n display: -webkit-flex !important;\n display: flex !important;\n\n -webkit-justify-content: center;\n justify-content: center;\n\n -webkit-align-items: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.bx-def-valign-center {\n display: -webkit-flex !important;\n display: flex !important;\n\n -webkit-align-items: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n-* margins'...; protected $details = []; protected $message = 'variable @bx-page-width is undefined in file template-css-default.less in default.less on line 4, column 11\n2| \n3| .bx-def-page-width {\n4| width:@bx-page-width;\n5| }\n6| \n7| .bx-def-box-sizing {'; private ${Exception}string = ''; protected $code = 0; protected $file = 'plugins-wikimedia-less.php-lib-Less-Tree-Variable.php'; protected $line = 48; private ${Exception}trace = [0 => [...], 1 => [...], 2 => [...], 3 => [...], 4 => [...], 5 => [...], 6 => [...], 7 => [...], 8 => [...], 9 => [...], 10 => [...], 11 => [...], 12 => [...]]; private ${Exception}previous = NULL; public $xdebug_message = '( ! ) Less_Exception_Compiler: variable @bx-page-width is undefined in file template-css-default.less in default.less on line 4, column 11\n2| \n3| .bx-def-page-width {\n4| width:@bx-page-width;\n5| }\n6| \n7| .bx-def-box-sizing { in plugins-wikimedia-less.php-lib-Less-Tree-Variable.php on line 48