Comment to 'Make app publicly available without login'
  • If you need to add more pages to be publicly available without login in the mobile apps then you can add such list of such pages here:

    Studio > Nexus > Settings > Comma separated list of pages URIs, which are available for guests.

    If you need homepage to NOT show login by default, then you need to uncheck this checkbox as well:

    Studio > Nexus > Settings > Display custom homepage with login form only

    • But also we need bottom menu to appear pu blicly.

      • But also we need bottom menu to appear publicly.

        It should be easy, change:

                { && (
                  <UnaFooter bubblesNum={} bubbles={} onMainMenu={o.onMainMenu} onNotificationsMenu={o.onNotificationsMenu} onVideoCallToggle={o.onVideoCallToggle} onRequestPurchase={o.onRequestPurchase} onRequestSubscription={o.onRequestSubscription} onAddMenu={o.onAddMenu} onMessengerMenu={o.onMessengerMenu} onProfileMenu={o.onProfileMenu} />


                  <UnaFooter bubblesNum={} bubbles={} onMainMenu={o.onMainMenu} onNotificationsMenu={o.onNotificationsMenu} onVideoCallToggle={o.onVideoCallToggle} onRequestPurchase={o.onRequestPurchase} onRequestSubscription={o.onRequestSubscription} onAddMenu={o.onAddMenu} onMessengerMenu={o.onMessengerMenu} onProfileMenu={o.onProfileMenu} />

        in App.js

        • Will try brother ty again.