Comment to 'Installation problems'
  • isnt that dark theme option...look in the

    • i need to manualy add every tab like in this picture just to have a normal functional template ?!?

      I dont recall doing so 10 years ago when i first entered in contact with Boonex...

      I understand about editing tabs, menus and so on, but now is a blank template.

      Or my english is bad...and im realy sorry for it.

      And the picture from this message is not the main?home page of the old website from what you see, is "Members" section. Picture taken from internet to be more clear of what i expected una to look after installation.


      • now you have just a shell. you go to studio then apps market and choose modules based on your idea. Free or paid. If you want to have Groups, download that then go to downloaded link and install it from there. Then groups tab will be shown.

        I think it was easier to deal with dolphin, than with una. but it gets better.

        • WoW, just WoW, just a shell...

          I can say i understand what you say now.

          Damn it, then i dont get it why "they" talk about template and show dont know what pictures of it when is literaly a shell with nothing. This can go from easy to use, drag&drop how was in past with boonex templates, up to needing a web dev or web designer just to set up my tabs, actions for them and make a at least decent home page.

          What it what and what has remain from boonex.

          Thank you Nurke !