Mailchimp Integrations

I'm trying to use Mailchimp integration for UNA, however, I'm struggling to push profile 'gender' and 'birthday' filed to Mailchimp. Any idea how to add this to the method BxMailchimpModule::_prepareUser()

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Replies (4)
    • LeonidS can you help with this?

      • Hello Scholar !

        I'm little confused where you need to insert this info there. But this method contains the calling of the BxDolProfiles class. It has the method getInfo which returns the array of the profile info. Try this one if I've got you right.

        • Hi @LeonidS : I want to add 'gender' and 'birthday' fields to the $aMarkers array of the _prepareUser() method of the BxMailchimpModule class. The problem is that BxDolProfiles->getInfo() returns the date from sys_profiles table which does not include the 'gender' or 'birthday' fields.

          What is the right method to extract 'gender' and 'birthday' data from the persons_data table so that I can add them to the array pushed to mailchimp?

          • Ok,then try this one:

            $aData = BxDolService::call('bx_persons', 'get_content_info_by_id', array($iProfileId));

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