Will this code work for my own pricing table button for people to subscribe?

It doesn't do anything when I click it in my pricing table. How do I make it clickable and create the subscription? I'm using a raw block.

      <button title="Create a subscription with recurring billing" onclick="oPaymentCart.subscribe(this, 3, 'paypal_api', 24, 1, 1, '', '')" class="bx-btn bx-def-margin-thd"><i class="sys-icon credit-card"></i><u>Subscribe</u></button>

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Replies (1)
    • Hi @Genesis

      I think you are missing the Javascript part to get the oPaymentCart function to work.

      Please, try to add another raw on the same page with the following code:

      <script language="javascript">var oPaymentCart = new BxPaymentCart({"sActionUrl":"https:\/\/www.yoursitehere.com\/m\/payment\/","sObjName":"oPaymentCart","sAnimationEffect":"fade","iAnimationSpeed":"slow","aHtmlIds":{"providers_select":"bx_payment-cart-providers-select-"},"oRequestParams":[]});script>

      Replace yoursitehere.com with your domain name or write the exact url of your UNA installation.

      This piece of code was taken from the /acl-view page (viewing its source code on a browser).

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