Added a discussion

Here's a tricky one, @LeonidS .

My basic Standard Members have no permission to join organizations by themselves. But organizations can invite members for joining, even those Standard Members. That works great. The org invites, the standard member joins. Now, standard members have only very restricted content creation options on my site. Just feed updates and discussions. If they want more, they should subscribe for a paid membership. But there's the trick now. If the joined organization has higher membership privileges and they give the according role to that joined Standard Member, that member now can use the granted content creation options for the organization and on behalf of that organization.

Now the tricky question: If that Standard Member is now member of the organization, acting on behalf of that organization, shouldn't that member be able to switch to that organization profile in the standard member's account profile, even if it's not its own organization profile?

There's the option for switching to that organization profile when navigating to the profile page. There it says "You can change your current profile to this profile". Is that intended or is that just missing? I checked my studio settings for switching profiles and there's nothing I could find that would cause the missing organization profile switch. image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1116&dpx=1&t=1678816159image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=1117&dpx=1&t=1678816285

  • 248
    • Im not sure I understand your question, but the option to switch profiles is there under Studio-> permissions. Go into the profile and choose the mod

      • Hi Karina, no, that wouldn't be tricky.

        I mean switching to a profile someone doesn't own. In that special case I described that's possible. But I can only switch with that small text link on the profile that I have rights for to take on, but I don't have the switch option in my own profile, like I would have, if it was my own organization or second profile.

        • ah okay. I think there should be a switch option in the account menu? mine wasn't working and I reported it, but haven't checked if it works since.

          • Hi Karina, my first screenshot shows that small text link for taking over control of that organization profile, even though that Member is a Standard Member, that has no option for creating its own organization (or any other profile in addition to its person profile), due to my membership level settings. But it is possible for this Standard Member to act on behalf of an organization, in case that an organization invites a Standard Member and grants him Moderator or Administrator status within the organization. In that case the Standard Member can create content with the higher Membership level of the organization profile, that it could not create with its Standard Membership level permissions. A use case for that would be, if a marketing agency is responsible for creating content on behalf of the organization as its client. In that case the agency doesn't need to pay a subscription, but can act with its free Standard Member level account.

            My second screenshot shows the empty profile page. No organization profile switch. I think, that is because that page can only show profiles and organizations that were created with the same account.

            But for my above mentioned use case, it would be essential that the member can see and use the switch to the organization profile it has Moderator or Admin rights for.

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