Start Guide

Logo and Site Icons

You can upload a logo image, specify alt text for it and define set sizes y by clicking Logo section of Designer app (/studio/designer.php?page=logo). Designer app is available immediately after the basic UNA installation.

Some templates allows to upload their own logo images. For example, Protean -> Styles section -> Header subsection -> 'Logo Image' and 'Logo Text' fields (/studio/design.php?name=bx_protean&page=styles). If you use such a  template and uploaded a logo image there, then the Designer's logo will be ignored in this template.

For more information about Designer app read here.

Template and Styles

You can download some templates from the Templates section of UNA Market. After installation they become available for activation (by pressing Make Default button) on General section of Designer app (/studio/designer.php). Also you can set default template Settings section of Designer app (/studio/designer.php?page=settings). Designer app is available immediately after the basic UNA installation.

For customising existing CSS styles you will need to select default template, (eg. Protean) and click Styles section (/studio/design.php?name=bx_protean&page=styles). For convenience, all styles are divided into several groups (header, footer, main menu, popups, etc), which makes it easy to find what you are looking for. Also you can add custom styles in the Сustom Styles Tab in Styles section.

Texts and Languages

You can download some language translations from the Translations section of UNA Market. After installation, you can setup default language on General section of Polyglot app (/studio/polyglot.php). Polyglot app is available immediately after the basic UNA installation.

To change some string translations use Keys section of Polyglot app (/studio/polyglot.php?page=keys). For your convenience, you can select the required module (app) or / and use the search by substring.

For more information about Polyglot app read here.

Profiles and Accounts

An important feature within UNA is that accounts are separate from Profiles and do not work as a visible on-site ID. One account can have an unlimited number of profiles (or limited to the setting from Configure Accounts tab) from different modules (Persons, Organizations, etc). 

To manage accounts you will need to install Accounts Manager module. This module allows you to see a list  of all accounts that were registered on the system. There are also some account management tools available here:  (change status, delete, block, etc) Accounts Manager will also allow you to view profiles associated with each account.

For more information about Accounts Manager read here.

To manage all site menu (links and buttons) there Navigation app (/studio/builder_menu.php), available immediately after the basic UNA installation.

All menu based In UNA based on MenuSet's. They are collections of ordered links that can be assigned to menus supported by your template. This extra layer of separation allows great flexibility in how same menus can be presented on different pages - as vertical, horizontal, service menus, etc.

For more information about navigation settings read here.

Pages, Layouts and Blocks

One of the most important applications available immediately after installation is the Pages app (/studio/builder_page.php). With the help of it, you can add new pages, change the appearance of pages and other properties, such as memberships visibility, SEO tags, etc.

The content of the page is also defined here by adding the any blocks and their area of memberships visibility. For convenience, all blocks list are split by apps.

For more information about navigation settings read here.


Permissions and Levels

To manage permissions and membership levels use the Permissions app (/studio/builder_permissions.php). Permissions app is available immediately after the basic UNA installation.

On the Levels section you can manage membership levels. Some of them are preinstalled (Standard, Administrator, Unconfirmed, Moderator, etc) and can't be deleted but you can customise this, creating your specific types of membership levels, and defining permissions for each of them.

Forms, Displays and Data Lists

Useful pre-installed module is the Forms app (/studio/builder_forms.php). There is no extra control over functionality without any custom code changes.

With the help of it, you can modify fields any site forms (including search forms), for example, add a new field to the create profile form. Here you can manage "Data Lists" which are basic values for some fields, for example, a list of countries or languages.

For more information about navigation settings read here.


Adjust Notifications Settings

There are 3 types of notes in UNA, On Site (/page/notifications-view), Email, and Push notifications.

In order for the Push system to work, you need to fill in the fields in the on Push notification tab of Settings app (/studio/settings.php). Based on Onesignal.

In the pre-installed Notification app (/studio/module.php?name=bx_notifications) you can tweak the configuration of different types of notifications.

Customise Email Templates

The list of all used email templates can be reviewed in the Email section of Polyglot app (/studio/polyglot.php?page=etemplates). You can change them to fit your needs using markers (fex {email_header}).

For customisng {email_header} & {email_footer}markers use Email template section of Polyglot app (/studio/polyglot.php?page=etemplates_hf).


Create Your Own Module

UNA script has open-source, extendible structure. It means that anybody who is familiar with PHP and MySQL, HTML and CSS can create his own custom module which will add some new feature or extend existed one. UNA has 3 types of modules: module, design template, language translation. Basically, all modules in UNA has similar structure, but each module type (template, language) adds some specific elements. You are welcome to read more about it here. Also you may find an example of simple test module here.

Create Your Own Template

Custom template is a special type of UNA module. It allows to customize the appearance of default UNA features or add new unique ones. If you already have the design and are ready to implement it in custom UNA template then you need to know JavaScript, HTML, CSS and have basic knowledges in PHP. If you learn the structure of UNA script it will help you during your custom template creation.

UNA template can be created with or without Styles customizer. Templates which have Styles customizer are Protean, Decorous and Lucid. An example of the template without Styles customizer is Ocean. If you are working with definite design you may create template without Styles customizer that makes the creation process easier. But if you plan to sell your template in Market then it would be good if you'll have a Styles customizer in your template. 

Read more about the template creation here.

Add Your Own Translation

English language is the default language in UNA script. Also Russian language is available as additional one. All language files (for system, for modules) are XML files with definite structure. UNA interface uses language keys like '_my_test_key' and associated language file adds the correct, user friendly translation for the key 'My Test Key' in English or 'Мой тестовый ключ' in Russian. Note, if you are creating a new language translation then it would be better to check the process directly on the site. It is essential because in many cases you need to find appropriate phrase to fit in some design element: Button, Box, Menu, Popup, etc. You are welcome to read more about creation of new language translation here.

Also UNA Studio has Polyglot app and Polyglot section in Developer app which can help you to work with language translations. Particularly, Polyglot section in Developer app allows you to Recomple any language cache (DB -> cache file) and Restore any language (original XML file -> DB).

Configure Caches

Сache settings there are on Сache tab of Settings app (/studio/settings.php). Settings app is available immediately after the basic UNA installation. There you can select the cache storage method (File, Memcache etc), enable/disable the cache for blocks, HTML,CSS, JS separately.

Also available there are options compression and minification for js/css files.

To clear the cache you need to go en Dashbord (/ studio/dashboard.php) and in the Cache section select the desired cache to clear by clicking link.

Export Template Styles

Some UNA templates have styles editor which allows to customize template's layout directly in the Studio. For example, you may see it in Lucid, Decorous and Protean templates. To see it, you need to click with template's app in Studio and then go to Styles subpage. The styles editor allows to customize the appearance of such layout elements like Blocks, Menus, Forms, Fonts, etc.

Also the editor allows to export/import the created set of customized styles (mix). So, you can easily transfer your customization to another site or share it with somebody. To export styles you need to click with Export Mix button in the top right corner of the Styles page. To import styles you need to use Import Mix button located in the same place. To perform the actions styles are saved in JSON file, like my-mix.json

GDPR Compliance

Please refer to this FAQ about making your site GDPR compliant. It's for BoonEx Dolphin, but since UNA is based on Dolphin it's applicable to UNA as well.

If you are hosted on UNA cloud (we have datacenter in Europe too) then we can be your Data Processor and will help with pointing right information in your GDPR docs.

HIPAA Compliance

HIPAA compliance may be required for websites handling personal medical information. It is a combination of technical features, administrative practices and organisational structure of the site operator business. It's possible to make UNA HIPAA-ready by properly configuring your hosting and UNA instance.

If you are using UNA Cloud we can help to meet HIPAA Compliance by configuring your server, setup UNA and answer necessary questions.