Comment to 'What of "Unique Handle"?'
  • DeDiary here is the code for SEO friendly URLs and schema code insertion in the attachment.
    IN fact his code creates a functional layer on the resulting UNA page and edits the page just before it's sent to browser. So by the methods applied there any change can be done very easily.
    (Using place holders in raw blocks and replacing them with your code is very convinient.)
    Please note that this code is specific to my site with many additional fields on persons and organisations profiles as well as sys_accounts table.
    Unfortunately as I didnt think to share this code variable names are in my language.

    This is the code for page.php.  There is no other UNA file to change.
    Please note that besides the simple questions, I can not give support for this code and I am putting here just to present a temporary solution until UNA develops SEO friendly URLs and schema etc. For sure there will be better solutions, but for now this is working perfectly for me.
    This code takes a fraction of a second. Resulting URLs will be like this:

    Personal profile:
    Organization Profile:



    ıt is needed to apply mod rewrite settings in apache htaccess or nginx configuration files.
    For NGINX my confs are like:

    rewrite ^/doktor/bloglar&type=&start(.+) /doktor/page.php?i=posts-home&type=&start$1 last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/bloglar/arama /doktor/page.php?i=posts-search last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/bloglar/populer /doktor/page.php?i=posts-popular last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/bloglar /doktor/page.php?i=posts-home last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/sss/arama /doktor/page.php?i=glossary-search last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/sss/populer /doktor/page.php?i=glossary-popular last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/sss /doktor/page.php?i=glossary-home last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/kuruluslar/arama /doktor/page.php?i=organizations-search last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/kuruluslar/online /doktor/page.php?i=organizations-online last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/kuruluslar/aktif /doktor/page.php?i=organizations-active last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/kuruluslar /doktor/page.php?i=organizations-home last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/uyeler/online /doktor/page.php?i=persons-online last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/uyeler/arama /doktor/page.php?i=persons-search last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/uyeler/aktif /doktor/page.php?i=persons-active last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/uyeler /doktor/page.php?i=persons-home last;
    rewrite ^/doktor/tibbi-makaleler searchKeyword.php?cat=bx_posts_cats&keyword=2§ion[]=bx_posts last;
    rewrite \-bl([0-9]+) /doktor/page.php?i=view-post&id=$1 last;
    rewrite \-ss([0-9]+) /doktor/page.php?i=view-glossary&id=$1 last;
    rewrite \-vi([0-9]+) /doktor/page.php?i=view-video&id=$1 last;
    rewrite a([0-9]+)\/(bilgi|blog)\/ /doktor/page.php?i=posts-author&profile_id=$1 last;
    rewrite a([0-9]+)\/albumler\/ /doktor/page.php?i=albums-author&profile_id=$1 last;
    rewrite a([0-9]+)\/sss\/ /doktor/page.php?i=glossary-author&profile_id=$1 last;
    rewrite a([0-9]+)\/fotograflar\/ /doktor/page.php?i=photos-author&profile_id=$1 last;
    rewrite a([0-9]+)\/videolar\/ /doktor/page.php?i=videos-author&profile_id=$1 last;
    rewrite a([0-9]+)\/dosyalar\/ /doktor/page.php?i=files-author&profile_id=$1 last;
    rewrite a([0-9]+)\/anketler\/ /doktor/page.php?i=polls-author&profile_id=$1 last;
    rewrite o([0-9]+)a[0-9]+\/yayinlar-sertifikalar-bilimsel-etkinlikler\/ /doktor/page.php?i=yayinlar&id=$1 last;
    rewrite o([0-9]+)a[0-9]+\/ozgecmis\/ /doktor/page.php?i=bio&id=$1 last;
    rewrite o([0-9]+)a[0-9]+\/iletisim\/ /doktor/page.php?i=organization-profile-info&id=$1 last;
    rewrite p([0-9]+) /doktor/page.php?i=view-persons-profile&id=$1 last;
    rewrite o([0-9]+) /doktor/page.php?i=view-organization-profile&id=$1 last;

    • Hi Cem I have been busy on other things and just trying to see to this. But the attachment is not downloadable, it's trying to rather open as a page, could you please get it zipped for me?
