Comment to 'UNA.IO Messenger Desktop Apps'
  • Building / compiling my own version on windows desktop app results in a blank white app when opening the desktop.exe.

    1. What modules are needed in the una studio to communicate with the desktop app ?

    2. If you have time can you update the with the versions of nodejs, npm, electron-forge, electron-compile ...  ect that was used to build your working version on Windows  and maybe the npm commands used to build the .exe in the right order.

    Clearly there is more needed to it then just running the .bat file included -

    electron-forge -a ia32 -p win32 make

    Thanks, Jason


    • For the proper functionality of desktop apps your site must have Nexus app installed. Nexus app will be available with the next major version update. 

      $ npm -v
      $ electron-forge --version
      $ node -v

      But it should work on newer versions as well