Comment to 'accounts created notice'
  • Tim Burleigh i have seen all the apps so far and the auto friend one looks great i have kept up with them for when i'm ready to buy apps as i have not launched my project yet as one person once said a delayed project will lead to success and a rushed one will be destined to fail just keep in mind also you have to be the 1st to the market with your niche also to scoop up the most users in your field but if not you still can make it just do something your competitor is not and if its a huge success ppl will jump ship to your site there is a lot to look at when it comes to being 1st to a market or not even more so with a niche you gotta ask your self before doing it is my niche big enough to justify making the site in the 1st place anyways sorry for the long rant i agree with this app solving that problem and James Cherry i have done the same a few moths back made a org profile for my site as well i would recommend it as its good to keep site updates/news in one place