Comment to 'Set Membership Button Missing'
  • Updating 'sys_acl_levels_members' as instructed has made no difference!

    I still have below problems...

    1. I don't see a settings wheel to the far right of each account in Studio>Accounts  

    2. In the Home view users only see content from other members who have their "Visible to = Public". Content from members with it set as Friends or Relationship do not show (even though they are Friends & Relations to the other user). The missing content shows up in the Dashboard view though! 

    3. Profiles from Friends/Relations cannot be viewed (Access denied. This content is private) unless the 'Visible to" is Public 

    If the 'role' column in 'sys_accounts' table is set to 3 (Operator) users are not effected by 2 and 3 above.

    So it seems all users are being treated as Guests unless the 'role' in sys_accounts is set to 3 but no idea why Studio>Accounts not showing the settings wheel (I tried different Browser incase it was that).