Comment to 'Turkish Langue'
Comment to Turkish Langue
  • MuhammeT - It is very important to make sure you follow each step. Looking at the #1 in the tutorial it says to create your own directory /modules/ directory so, something like this:

    /modules/muhamme/turkish (I wouldn't use boonex)

    The next step tells you to copy all the folders from the /modules/boonex/russian/ into your own directory (above).

    The proceed with the other steps. Take note to #7 where it tells you it's best to translate from English by deleting the ru.xml from your directory and replacing it with the en.xml from modules/boonex/english/data/langs/system/en.xml and then rename it to whatever format you are using such as turk.xml

    Then you can translate that turk.xml (which is in English at the moment) to what you need. Good Luck!