Comment to 'Twitter is setting up to build a Social Media Protocol'
  • I'm excited for you. This could indeed be a great opportunity.

    I wonder since Jack's funding this if they will implement the limits on freedom of speech, and inject their political agenda with this new 'standard' as they have on Twitter... 

    Ie: The "" ban

    Small clip from a over 3hr podcast:

    • The idea is about building a protocol - a way to securely exchange data related to social media activity in a standardised format. Just like for example email has a POP protocol that handles x@y.z as a unique address identifier and has rules like CC, BCC, TO, SUBJEC, etc. Or the IMAP protocol that also allows for multiuser email sync. A protocol in itself can not be manipulated by any one player, it’s just a set of rules that are followed by compliant “clients”.

      The fact that a leading social network like Twitter is starting something like this speaks volumes about their willingness to address the issues of freedom of speech abuse or any kind of controversy related to centralized social media silos. It is, in effect, an admittance that it is impossible to control conversions on their platform in a universally “fair” way. The only path forward is to invite decentralisation of platforms.

      Why they are doing this? 😏😏😏

      Twitter is a public social media “broadcaster”. Its appeal is entirely based on opportunity to reach massive audiences. It will remain relevant in decentralised social media world.

      Facebook, on the contrary, is hosting more ambient “private“ networks and is reliant on control of the social media graph - the “who’s the friend of my friend“ web. A protocol for social media would make it much easier to displace Facebook and would make Twitter more appealing as a way of broadcasting to hundreds of millions of people from anywhere on the web.

      It is by all means a smart business move from Twitter, but it is also a great development for independent social media websites operators and platform developers like us. 

      • Now it makes more sense!

        The way I interpreted the terminology as an outsider was much different. Thank you for the clarification!