Comment to '*Need Help* Timeline Upload Items not working - "Missing Marka.JS.Map" '
  • Kyle this seems like a setting problem of your server.

    İt may be a permission problem or something like that.

    Could you check the logs during the error happens, possibly there are clues there.

    • That's the problem there are no errors, just the one listed. I only know this error because it shows in my litespeed web server logs and only occurs when doing the multiple uploads on the comment posts or timeline feed posts. I can upload 1 image or item without a problem. Only run into issue with multiple. If it was a permission issue It would not show after I refresh and the 1 image would not work. Id also receive an error, which I am not. Atleast I think. This is all in the post. 

      • I am also on my own server but not having this problem.
        can you do a tail -f /var/log/litespeed/error.log ( or however it iserror log filename).
        may be it is passing very fast and not catched.

        • The tail is matching up with my error logs in Litespeed webserver. This was realtime as I was uploading photos. The kill is when I am refreshing page. image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=2831&dpx=1&t=1580043499
