Comment to 'UNA 11 Upgrade ??'
  • I have the same problem. 

    • Cron jobs -

      */10 * * * * perl /var/tmp/vZVgZWj >/dev/null 2>&1

      if you are unsure if output is correct then manual server audit may be required
    • Last cron jobs execution - None

    Could you help me? Which line should I add and how?

    */10 * * * * perl /var/tmp/vZVgZWj >/dev/null 2>&1

    or specific line?


    • This line looks very suspicious
      */10 * * * * perl /var/tmp/vZVgZWj >/dev/null 2>&1
      I would suggest to ask hosting support to ask what is it for and check contents of  /var/tmp/vZVgZWj file if it isn't malicious script.