Comment to 'Edit "Who Can Post" selection field'
  • Hello Leonardo Zen !

    Well, the privacy fields are the system fields and can't be simply controlled in Forms app. So it's better to place the raw block on the "Create Group" page with the following content:

    <script language="javascript">

      $(".sys-privacy-group option[value=8]").remove();


    It is more stable way.

    • Which option and value is for "closed" and "secret" for groups, events, orgs, spaces, etc?

      Also, how do I set it for only certain fields? For example, on the create profile page, there are multiple visibility fields such as "who can contact me", "visible to", etc. The idea is for the admin to control which visibility is available for the person to choose from, for each individual field.

      • Also, how do I remove more than one? Do I copy the code multiple times? I want to remove 2,5,6,7,8 and closed and secret.

        • I also need to stop people from sharing to individual friends, and the persons list, etc.