Comment to 'insert custom css file'
  • ok i don't want to just change the portain template, the object is to create a new template. the ocean template gives me the oppertunity to make a new template that stands alone, because I can copy the entire ocean template, chage the details and make an entrely new template which i can install and alter the css to make it individual to whatever i want, and i can make a few this way. The portain template seems to be make so its more difficult to do this, it just gives errors that is why i scrapped the idea of modifying portain. 

    so i have created my ocean copy, named it something else. i can easily change the css as you say by altering the current css in general/common.css i know this. But i would like to be able to include a different css file, where i know where all my changes are. but i can't find a way to, normally i would find a header.php or something like that and ancor the css file there, so the question being, there must be a way you guys have linked your css files so your template can see them an apply the css, where would this be? in the ocean template,