Comment to 'Chat module/Server/App'
  • Ya..., I already have that. Looking for something that can be in its own window, so it doesn't have to refresh or be refreshed with browser page. Rocket chat seems to be a good fit possibly?

    Messenger seems to be more email type based. 

    • Rocket i dont know( Maybe jabber best to you. 

      • what the hell i know you guys have good **** out there but .  okay rocket chat is waaay above your pay grade.  it hurts *my* head, and im no whiz, but trust me, you will not be able to figure it out.  
        (yes thats a gentlemans challenge but honestly dont waste your time bro, its hard.) i swear. (it is nice when it works though, but then you feel really stupid when you realize you fought with mongo db and other stuff for hours to give people IRC with avatars...... more on that later... or if your curious- head on over to and see the chat softare that has been in continual development since 1994... and is still on version 5. :D
        uh, i dont know why you dont like messenger that sasha wrote, but i am guessing its because you just didn't get it figured out in regards to running node JS properly on the server you bought, and are a bit too prideful to ask anyone directly to fix things that previously you told others you would deliver on, but couldn't- for whatver reason.
        barring any inter-personal psychology- which is just included as an allegory for growth- because i think i may have just learned something typing this, LOL !! but the whole thing is meant to be uplifting for you, or anyone who reads this comment.
        if you want help setting up your messenger chat because i know when we tested it before you had a few issues with it, and that was before you got the new server, and then the chat went dead... i just was waiting for you to ask for help actually. ball in your court thing and all). we can fix that easily.
        ok uh, the rest of it? im sure im missing concerns of yours but i can address them if you just go to my digital point of contact- and pick one of the two email or call- and in one click after loading the following url- you can be another few taps from your message, and then send it off of and away ! ---