Comment to 'How to limit a Jitsi local server to only create rooms from within UNA? '
  • You must have done the free version with the Jitsi watermark. I believe there's a way to get rid of the watermark and make it yours. I know they offer the service here to set up private seperate server for you. Why did you use a subdomain for Jitsi instead of your own domain? Are you using your server as just a portal or as a closed server?

    Will, I installed it on my server. I am using a subdomain of my own domain. I don't have a Jitsi watermark. You misunderstand the problem.

    • Unless your server is hosting other websites then it should be a closed server and you shouldn't have to worry about anonymous people getting access to it if it's not the free Jitsi portal version that's using Jitsi server

      We are literally hosting social networks. Thousands of users. Not exactly "anonymous".

      I am posting a valid concern: anyone can open video chats on our server by visiting the URL of the subdomain. Request - how to make it so that nobody can do that, and jitsi is only accessible through that UNA popup.

      • Have you disabled guest users? 

        • Have you disabled guest users? 

          That's exactly what I need to do, which is why I created this thread.

          How does Jitsi tell apart who is a guest, and who is a logged-in user on my UNA installation.