Comment to '"Follow" doesn't appear on Organization's & Event home pages and Organization's & Event profile pages'
  • Also, spaces are used for something entirely different for us, because it is the only nesting block. It is used for creating sub communities within larger communities. Groups are used for creating groups of interest and have people join them.

    It doesn't make sense for our members to use SPACES for organizations/brands, where we literally have a section called organizations that is already perfectly fitting, including being able to set payments and sell products for the orgs... except for the weird decision on the follow feature? Why would a org owner want people to join his business and manage all of that all the time, instead of having people simply follow him?..

    • Why would a org owner want people to join his business and manage all of that all the time, instead of having people simply follow him?..

      Well, actually Orgs was created for a bit different purpose, where members of the Org are employees of the Org and they receive information inside the Org, also some people in the Org(Administrators) can switch profile to Org to perform some action as and Org. So it's like common profile which can be used by some people. In the future we'll try to find some way to make follow open to public optionally -

      • Why would a org owner want people to join his business and manage all of that all the time, instead of having people simply follow him?..

        Well, actually Orgs was created for a bit different purpose, where members of the Org are employees of the Org and they receive information inside the Org, also some people in the Org(Administrators) can switch profile to Org to perform some action as and Org. So it's like common profile which can be used by some people. In the future we'll try to find some way to make follow open to public optionally -

        People use the Org Module for different purposes. Like I am using it for building a social page for a town. So the Join is good as it's naturally intended for people who have deeper relationship with an entity, enabling them to participate in a whole lot of things as a community may require. For example, if you setup an opinion poll for a specific Community, it should ordinarily be restricted to members only.

        However, the Follow icon is important for other categories of people with limited status to freely receive information from same community. It's not logical for this to get enabled after one has already joined as a member.

        Meanwhile I am wondering what the Friend and Unfriend is supposed to do on an Org Module where you already have Join. I think this is a duplicate of "JOIN" for membership. 

        Follow is very important