Comment to 'Messenger 11.0.6'
Comment to Messenger 11.0.6
  • Feels much faster, thank you!

    A few questions:

    1) Can we also have the "video recordings" button in the messenger chat to be dependent on membership levels? Right now, even if free members can't video call each other, or upload videos to the site, they can still use the video recording functionality and record their camera for 5 minutes.

    2) Personal video conferences (Video Chat button the profile page). As far as I can see, if I call someone through pressing that button, it doesn't add any notification for that person, doesn't appear in his messenger, doesn't popup as well. Only if that person knows to go to his profile page and press the video chat button at the same time, so that both can connect. Is there a way for that person to know that someone is calling him?

    3) Also, just in general, can we have a popup or sound or something appear if someone is calling you? Let's say person A is calling person B, who has the site open. The only way Person B would know about person A's call is if he refreshes his page, and will see a message notification on the top. It doesn't update without a full page refresh, and even then it's easy to miss. Is there some possibility to make it obvious when someone is calling you?

    • Feels much faster, thank you!

      A few questions:

      1) Can we also have the "video recordings" button in the messenger chat to be dependent on membership levels? Right now, even if free members can't video call each other, or upload videos to the site, they can still use the video recording functionality and record their camera for 5 minutes.

      Yes it is will be added

      2) Personal video conferences (Video Chat button the profile page). As far as I can see, if I call someone through pressing that button, it doesn't add any notification for that person, doesn't appear in his messenger, doesn't popup as well. Only if that person knows to go to his profile page and press the video chat button at the same time, so that both can connect. Is there a way for that person to know that someone is calling him?

      By default this option depends is connected with profile's privacy and when someone starts video conference on profile page, all friends of the page owner will get notifications about started conference. When friend opens the page he can see how many users are in chat room right now. This option may be useful when profile holds webinars and you as admin can connect this option with membership level. For example this option cab be available only for Expert paid membership level.

      When we will add popup messenger window which will be available on any page of the site, profiles will be able to see blink icon or something like this in the bottom of the page for incoming call. It will work as Video Instant Messenger. It also possible to add option which allows to open popup with incoming call for profile's page owner as it is done on main messenger page, but it may be not so good for owner of the page, because profile owner will get popup on any page of the site for every incoming call.

      3) Also, just in general, can we have a popup or sound or something appear if someone is calling you? Let's say person A is calling person B, who has the site open. The only way Person B would know about person A's call is if he refreshes his page, and will see a message notification on the top. It doesn't update without a full page refresh, and even then it's easy to miss. Is there some possibility to make it obvious when someone is calling you?

      When you are on the Messenger main window and if someone has started the video conference you will get popup with ring. If you are located in any other page of the site or offline, you will get push or email notification about just started conference. 

      If you mean calls from profile page, I have described current behavior above.