Comment to 'That should be good news for UNA'
  • The nature of any large public corporation is that it has to maximise share price - that’s the ultimate reason why boards hire and fire executives. Morality or ethics are present only to a degree that serves the bottom line. A couple of years ago Apple decided that they can market “privacy protection“ as a  strong virtue signal and shit over Facebook and Google. It works to some extent and is somewhat positive for the end customer. Now, they are not a token bearer of great moral compass for sure. They suppress competition, silence free speech, swindle commissions unfairly, etc. They do some good things too, however. So does Facebook, Amazon and Google. Big tech will exist, whether we like it or not, so perhaps it’s best to encourage good behaviour and condemn bad actions. We can, as consumers, restrain those companies and show that our dollar will only go to where they do good.

    Similarly, Apple calling out Facebook is a good thing to do, even if Apple is not inherently good. 

    • A huge plus for Una, in my view, is that it does not depend on a mobile app hosted by Google or Apple. You guys have done an excellent job in that regard.  

      Virtue signaling is about all big tech does on the PR front.  They care nothing about the well being of the people they service.  Once in a while, they'll throw out one of those virtue signals, and young dumb impressionable minds will gobble it all up, but the older and wiser know it's just a smoke screen.