Comment to 'How to setup 3 Subscription Plans - same duration, different prices'
  • Hello 

    It's not a problem. You have 3 different membership levels and they can have pricing plans with the same duration. You cannot create pricing plans with the same duration for the same membership level. So, you just need:
    1. Create 3 membership levels (Basic, Silver and Gold) in Studio -> Permissions.
    2. Create monthly plans for each of them in Studio -> Paid Levels.

    • Hello. You are welcome.

      I wonder, why do you need the following?

      to be able to sell several things with the same duration to the same membership level

      Do you want to be able to sell 1 month of a Premium membership for $10 and for $100? I cannot see the purpose of selling exactly the same 'product' but with different prices.

      • The thing is that I’m not really interested in selling membership levels, but for example if I want to charge a $5 monthly subscription fee to members (any membership level) for joining a Group and a member wants to join two Groups. How can he/she pay for that?
        So in this case the product would be Group monthly subscription, not a Membership level.

        • Hello. Current version of Groups app allows to use Paid Join. Group creator/admin may add pricing options for his group and users would need to pay before join. Each group may have its own pricing options, for example, Group 1 may sell monthly subscription for $10 while Group 2 will sell monthly subscription for $5. In this situation we have different groups with the same durations and it's not the same as "to sell 1 month of a Premium membership for $10 and for $100".