Comment to 'UNA.IO reaches 1000 registered accounts!'
  • 1. Congratulations!! With no doubts, you deserve it.
    2. I'm sure that IF UNA was more convenient (privacy levels, push and so) - MACH MORE people would like to switch from others Engines :)) ... (register on The point is - to choose how to bring them.
    3. I'm not sure that to cut-off good parts of code is the best way to make your product more convinient (compare Post in Events or Groups / UNA vs Dolph7.3)
    4."we should see some activity in Groups"... Andrew, can you, please, describe your vision of Groups. How it have to work in 9 Release?
    • Groups should gradually become a lot like "mini-communities", aggregating various features within the permission settings of the group, including the Messenger, Discussions, Albums, Files, etc. We already use the UNA Inc Group here on UNA.IO for our team to collaborate (it's a private group), communicate and share files. As we are using it, we keep improving it, adjusting to real-world needs. :)