"No Editor" for comments not working

I personally don't like the tinymce editor to be visible when making a comment on a post. I think it's unnecessary to have it for comments on posts.
Before the last update, I went into the comments and set the comments section to have "No Editor". This takes out the tinymce editor and only shows a text box. It worked fine.

Forms -> Search (Comment) -> Under "Displays" click the link "2 Displays" -> Comment from Post -> Under "fields" click the link "7 fields" -> click the pencil icon by the "Text' option -> Under "Html Editor" select "No Editor".
After this last update, it (the update) put the tinymce editor back into the comments to which I don't want.
I just want it to give the option of a text box without the editor.
The issue now:

  • When I select "No Editor" it still gives me the mini tinymce editor in comments.


Before it was just a text box with no editor...which I'd like to have again...
It's just much cleaner and a better option for posts.
I'm not sure why it's not working now...?
I've also attached a .mov to this to visually show you the process.

I've also already cleared cache and all the other things you normally have to do...

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