Ablity to define/create different menu areas?

Hi all! I'm new here and have decided to use Una for a project I'm working instead of building from scratch. The modularity and set of features available is really well thought out, but my biggest complaint is with some of the design aspects.

The area I'm looking to immediately change is the dropdown menus, and various horizontal menus.

1. Is there a way to change the menus to sidebar/vertical menus or easily define new areas for menus to exist? 

2. In addition, it would be nice if there was a way to use common frameworks like Bootstrap or Framework7

I tried to post an example for a veritcal menu, but I'm getting a "Your current membership (Standard) doesn't allow you to 'Post links' error message.

Here is the link with dot instead of .

pixinvent dot com/materialize-material-design-admin-template/html/ltr/vertical-modern-menu-template/ 

Thanks in advance,


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