Add more Blocks to make creating Landing Pages easier

I would like to be able to design marketing Landing Pages for unauthenticated users. It seems like this could be relatively easy if there were more Block options. I realize that I could make a lot of the pages using custom HTML, but having ready-made blocks would make it a little easier. 

Example Blocks:

1. Buttons (I think this could be Items from menus, without the menu)


2. Grids (this would need to allow nesting of other blocks (images, text, buttons) inside of the grid)


3. Forms (some way to build forms that submit data to database)

Update: maybe this already exists. Still learning. Is this the Forms page in Developer part of Studio?


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Replies (1)
    • Hello, no, not a form that as its name suggests is more to create forms by including fields of all kinds. You can add blocks via Studio => Pages with several layouts for the page, and for the blocks there are already a lot of choices and I've never done it but I think you can add buttons by adding a block menu. Also, the visibility of the page, and each block is adjustable for all levels including unauthenticated as you wish, ditto for menus. By playing a little with all that we can already do a lot. note also that the block of type "Raw" which allows to add code.


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