Add Parler and Gab To Sharing

Video is the strong suite in social media and there two growing platforms that are quickly growing their numbers as the fallout continues with big tech social media not included in sharing. Parler and Gab are just two. Twitter and Facebook I think have seen their better day as governments around the world are beginning to hold them responsible. This will give una sites the tools to share their posts with links back to their sites.

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Replies (3)
    • Also interested in this!

      • Yes, this a needed feature which should not be too complicated to add. But how?

        Both FB and TWT now heavily censor the views they disagree with. Both platforms have truly outlived their usefulness. Both are just monopolistic advertising agencies in disguise.

        • Besides parler and gab, free-speech platforms such as rumble and gettr are also off to a fine start. Many of the users on those sites now have hundreds of thousands of followers. So, these new sites can no longer be ignored.

          Can someone please advise how to add share buttons to these new sites or to alter the old ones which led to big tech, if possible? Thank you.

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