Adding upload file type extension

How do I add .mp3 extension to file type option for timeline upload.  I did it on another test site and it worked fine.  I don't remember how I did it.

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Replies (3)
    • Hello Devin!

      Usually, the lists of allowed extensions is defined in the Storage integrations. For Timeline it looks like:

      INSERT INTO `sys_objects_storage` (`object`, `engine`, `params`, `token_life`, `cache_control`, `levels`, `table_files`, `ext_mode`, `ext_allow`, `ext_deny`, `quota_size`, `current_size`, `quota_number`, `current_number`, `max_file_size`, `ts`) VALUES

      ('bx_timeline_photos', @sStorageEngine, '', 360, 2592000, 3, 'bx_timeline_photos', 'allow-deny', 'jpg,jpeg,jpe,gif,png', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),

      ('bx_timeline_photos_processed', @sStorageEngine, '', 360, 2592000, 3, 'bx_timeline_photos_processed', 'allow-deny', 'jpg,jpeg,jpe,gif,png', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),

      ('bx_timeline_videos', @sStorageEngine, '', 360, 2592000, 3, 'bx_timeline_videos', 'allow-deny', 'avi,flv,mpg,mpeg,wmv,mp4,m4v,mov,divx,xvid,3gp,webm,jpg', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),

      ('bx_timeline_videos_processed', @sStorageEngine, '', 360, 2592000, 3, 'bx_timeline_videos_processed', 'allow-deny', 'avi,flv,mpg,mpeg,wmv,mp4,m4v,mov,divx,xvid,3gp,webm,jpg', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

      But not that adding mp3 to any of this part will not provide the possibility to play files with this extension (need ot write the new processing of it). So you may post them to Files app with the same result.

      • I actually did it on another test site www (dot) dime (dot) club  but I cannot remember how I did it.  I was hoping someone else did it.

        • Then you may try to add "mp3" to the 'bx_timeline_videos' and 'bx_timeline_videos_processed ' records in `sys_objects_storage` table via the phpMyAdmin tool. Just execute the following queries:

          DELETE FROM THE `sys_objects_storage` WHERE `object` IN ('bx_timeline_videos,''bx_timeline_videos_processed);

          INSERT INTO `sys_objects_storage` (`object`, `engine`, `params`, `token_life`, `cache_control`, `levels`, `table_files`, `ext_mode`, `ext_allow`, `ext_deny`, `quota_size`, `current_size`, `quota_number`, `current_number`, `max_file_size`, `ts`) VALUES

          ('bx_timeline_videos', @sStorageEngine, '', 360, 2592000, 3, 'bx_timeline_videos', 'allow-deny', 'avi,flv,mpg,mpeg,wmv,mp4,m4v,mov,divx,xvid,3gp,webm,jpg,mp3', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),

          ('bx_timeline_videos_processed', @sStorageEngine, '', 360, 2592000, 3, 'bx_timeline_videos_processed', 'allow-deny', 'avi,flv,mpg,mpeg,wmv,mp4,m4v,mov,divx,xvid,3gp,webm,jpg,mp3', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

          But note, that this is just an attempt.

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