Can I completely disable webm?

Can I disable webm and only use mp4? The encoder is encoding two separate videos for each uploaded video.

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Replies (5)
    • Hello!

      If you like to make video available for all browsers and OS, you should have two formats, because webm is not supported yet on iOS. IOS supports only mp4 with H.264 by default. FireFox and Chrome in most cases doesn't support mp4 and support webm by default. 

      • Thank you for your reply. I understand now that this is not a good idea.

        • I am thinking about this again. What if I switch the video player to videojs, then the videos will work on all browsers without using webm, right? I only want to encode mp4. Webm is going to take up more space and more time. I don't think webm is needed. Mp4 is all that is needed. How do I disable webm encoding?

          If it doesn't play on all browsers that is ok because I can change the video player.

          Is this the correct place to look for it for the video module? What parts do I comment out? modules/boonex/videos/classes/BxVideosModule.php

          • I commented out 

            line 88 in modules/boonex/videos/classes/BxVideosConfig.php 

            and line 112 in modules/boonex/videos/classes/BxVideosModule.php

            and it only encoded mp4 like I wanted, but when I clicked on the video in chrome, there was a 500 error, so I uncommented the lines and it works fine. How do I prevent a 500 error without those lines? Am I doing this the right way?

            • Hello Joseph!

              For the second BxVideosModule.php file you generated the error because undefined variable $oTcvWebm (which you commented at line 112) is still used in the code. For example, see the lines from the same file #112, 113 and 127.

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