Chat + and the mobile app

Does anyone else have problems using the mobile app? I am using the Chat + and have been embarrassed since. Why won't it work correctly? I installed it and it download files from my chat server but hangs after the login. What is strange is I get the notifications from the app on my mobile but when selected from the notifications on my phone, it just shows the loading and that is it. Every few days I'm able to log in the mobile app, WTF is the trick?


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Replies (17)
    • We'll try to update Rocket.Chat upon new version update, it maybe there are some bugs. You can check their latest demo to see if there are still these problems:

      Also what is your smartphone model and OS version ? maybe it's old and these are bugs in the OS or mobile browser.

      • I've tried the demo with no problems.

        HTC M8, it's not just me, it's all the members using the chat. None of them are able to use it, all report the loading screen.

        HTC Sense Version 7

        Android 6.0

        Soft# 6.20.531.5

        Thank you.

        • Here is a video example.


          • Thanks for your response Nathe.

            "16.04, full-time Nginx, and Virtualmin/Webmin" I'm using almost the same, no Nginx.

            Most all browsers work, I've connected several times with the app but it seemed to stop completely. 

            When using the https with the app I get a waiting for server error with a countdown to reconnect.

            edit: How do you start your chat server?

            export ROOT_URL=http://chat*

            export ROOT_URL=https://chat*

            I'm using https

            • Also is there any errors related to the  in logs ? or in webserver log files ? 

              • I've tried to post the logs, which are not over 5000 characters. Yet this site will not let me. 

                • BoonEx's ChatPlus Installation Instructions (Ubuntu with Apache) or (CentOS with Apache) is terrible. And I don't blame you!

                  /opt : This directory is reserved for all the software and add-on packages that are not part of the default installation.

                  Here's how-to *proper_setup (using 'michael' as an example), create folder called inside /opt/...

                  /opt/ <= / is renamed from bundle. Ideal for those who have/want more than one chat server. Also, see example ownership...

                  Folder Ownership

                  /opt/ = root

                  / = root

                  / =


                  Copy and renamed to, in the file like this...



                  export ROOT_URL=
                  export MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/michael
                  export ADMIN_PASS=123456789
                  export PORT=3000


                  node main.js 2>&1 >$LOG &


                  If you have more than one chat server, use port like this... 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, etc.


                  *Credit goes to Geek-Girl

                  • I'll try this. Thanks Nathe!

                    • I restarted my server with HTTP now the mobile app connects but this is what I see.

                      • how are you coming along, Michael

                        • At first, I thought maybe small screen (low resolution) because the typing field looks rather tall. Got information about your phone's screen resolution, it's 1080x1920 from your screenshot. Clearly, it's not forming nicely in that resolution! How does it look in landscape?

                          Someone, please report this issue about Android app.

                          Have you tried the web on your phone? I suggest go straight to chat (like rather than within UNA ( Wonder if it forms nicely?

                          That is my mobile phone screenshot, the landscape look about the same. I've cleared all the apps cache on my phone too.

                          When connecting, entering https causes an error. You cannot just enter (chat.*.*) has to have http entered first.

                          •  Photos of the process.

                            • In the web browser, I typed your site without http://www... it automatically directs me to I'm thinking your site is using https while chat is not? Could this be the factor? Assumed you've created sub-server like this?

                              Virtualmin>> Create Virtual Server> Sub-server>> Create Server 

                              Did you want to use Let's Encrypt for the Here's a screenshot to get an idea of set up.

                              • I already have the ssl setup.

                                Yes my main site is https as well as the chat is, but I set it both ways.

                                Apple app is fine I'm told by members.

                                I'm leaving it alone for now.

                                • edited: my latest custom build for android - - for download


                                  • just curious - has anyone been successful with video on mobile with rocket chat - apparently they stopped working on fixing this issue and are suggesting to use this that they added instead - which i dont like as it causes the user to download another app in order to use the chat app with video. This seems backwards to me. but I will keep trying to figure things out.

                                    • in regards to your first post - this is what i had to do to resolve being stuck at loading


                                      RewriteEngine On
                                          RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} =websocket [NC]
                                          RewriteRule /(.*)           ws://localhost:3000/$1 [P,L]
                                          RewriteCond %{HTTP:Upgrade} !=websocket [NC]
                                          RewriteRule /(.*)           http://localhost:3000/$1 [P,L]
                                          ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3000/
                                      Edit - add this to the apache domain.conf file under the ssl information
                                      Login or Join to comment.