Content privacy

Hi guys! since my tickets in Boonex was not answered - post Teh Questions here:

1. How we can create personal privacy groups like in Dolphin? For use it in Posts, Albums and Discussions and so, like in Dolphin?

2. There is no "Members only" posts in Group or Events. What's the point in Closed (and Secret) Groups so?

3. Invitations to Groups/Events are "one per time" by drop menu. Kinda disappointing, why not full site user's list w/checkboxes? as FB, OK and others do? Let me Quote You "They made Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Tumblr. The next big thing can be yours!" Notice, guys, The Next Big Thing is impossible without that Small Features which makes Socialization handy. And one-per-time invitation to event of group - for sure - not one of them.

Thanx in advance for answers and, let me say it in clear manner: for no doubt - UNA is really good job, clear, simple, well designed. Fix, please thees disappointing cases and UNA will rock:))


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Replies (15)
    • 1. This functionality is disabled by default in Dolphin and we removed it in UNA, maybe in the future we'll add it again in more simple form.

      2. Closed group/event - anyone can find the group and see who's in it, only members can see posts

      Secret group/event - only members can find the group and see posts.

      3. There is a field with auto-suggestion drop-down where you can enter as many profiles as you want. You just need to enter several letters of invited member and then select.

      • Thanx for an answers, Alex

        Some notes if you don't mind:))

        1. This functionality is disabled by default in Dolphin and we removed it in UNA

        What possible reason can be to do that?  Everyone of us have in Friend-list family guys, co-workers, school mates, girlfriends, lovers and pool-partners. All of them have to see my fishing weekend pics or alco-party blog??  Why that? Why to choose something worse if you already have better solution?

        2. Closed group/event - anyone can find the group and see who's in it, only members can see posts

        Maybe you're  right and there is an option to post smthng in group in closed manner. I can't find it yet. Everything posted under PUBLIC going to be PUBLIC, open for all. Something posted under FRIENDs  going to be non-visible to members which are non-friends of topic-starter....



        3. There is a field with auto-suggestion drop-down where you can enter as many profiles as you want. You just need to enter several letters of invited member and then select.

        Yeah. Let's invite to our "open air rave picnic" event, say, 100 men. In this case you (and it'll be on you, Alex, I don't going to do that :)) need to do in UNA way "enter letter-select-accept"x100 times!! Instead FB way "checkx100-accept once" You really want to ensure us that current UNA way is better than global check-boxes list? Let the list be site-long, or ABC, or friends only by radio-button - very good idea, But give us this option, why we need to work hours on invitation that takes 2 mins in FB???

        • It can'be added as personal comment here (maybe too long?) Look down, I've add it as new comment.

          • BUMP

            Is somebody tested Closed Group for posts?

            Now non-member can see the posts in HomeWall, text and pics, however can't go into post itself in ClosedGroup. But still can see.

            The question: Is it planned "feature" o bug?

            • 1. Old solution isn't ideal, many people find it difficult to use, this is the reason we simplified it and will gradually improve without and we'll try to not add complications. Also we have Favourites and Followers, maybe it can be useful for you.

              2. The whole timeline block inherits privacy from the group, so even public posts in secret group shouldn't be visible outside the group.

              3. Thank you for the suggestion:


              4. I don't see anything wrong here it works as it should:

              Closed group/event - anyone can find the group and see who's in it, only members can see posts
              Secret group/event - only members can find the group and see posts.

              if you meant something else please explain in more details.

              • Thanx for the answer :)

                1. Old solution isn't ideal, many people find it difficult to use, this is the reason we simplified it and will gradually improve without and we'll try to not add complications. Also we have Favourites and Followers, maybe it can be useful for you.

                many people find it difficult to use... It;s 1Bln people who use it in FB, You can't ignore that it's kind of standard in social networking:)

                we'll try to not add complications... IMHO Account/Persons staff - it's the definition of complication:)) let's say, thta people who find difficult to create privet list would driven crazy with "why I need to put name once again? I've already open my account?"

                My point is - make us possibility to choose, please. As Admin I promise to take all blame of difficulty on me:)))


                4. I don't see anything wrong here it works as it should:

                Closed group/event - anyone can find the group and see who's in it, only members can see posts

                only members can see posts... - In my site (test one) everybody in timeline can see The Public post in Close Group and it's pics. Only members can get into post and comment. I've opened here the Closed group. Look in Feed...

                • 4. I've just tried to open your group - under non-admin profile and I can't see posts, you can see the posts because you are author, even if you didn't joined the group.

                  • You're very right. You can't get into closed group.

                    BUT you can see my post in Site Wall .

                    Try to find it, posted 4 days ago with this pic 


                    • It's correct, "Closed" groups are visible on browsing pages. If you want to not display group on browsing pages and in Timeline, then you need to set "Secret" privacy for the group.

                      • Thanx for advice:) but between you and me - will be mach more handy if closed and secret groups posts will be visible in Site Feed for groups members, like in FB and OK feeds. Note that Secret group nobody can find and ask to join, unlike Closed one. 

                        My strong believe is that better way - to create more convenient code than to explain how to live with inconvenient one. 

                        I agree that developer can't be customers yes-man, at the same time there are lot of wide conventions in social networking and no need to invent something different. Our customers use FB, OK and others, let's use thees conventions in Boonex products, we all can just profit.

                        Sincerely yours


                        • I think this is misunderstanding here, please try to test this functionality under normal users (not admins/moderators/studio operators)

                          • To proof my words i just did as you've suggest:

                            1. two non-administrative accounts was created - A and B, both on different Accounts, both with completed profiles, both have no one friend on site.

                            2. user A created  Closed Group.

                            3. user B can see in Common Site Timeline that Closed Group was created by user A, which is very OK so far

                            4. user A posts couple of words and pic in the Closed Group,  under Public privacy choice

                            5. user B can see the post in Common Site Timeline, can read the words and can see the pic, even in enlarge. Can not : to enter the post itself in group.

                            BUT still CAN see the pic and the text despite being non-member and non-administrator. 

                            As I said with my pleasure two weeks ago.

                            • Thank you for the step-by-step instructions, issue created:


                              • Alex. I hope that you don't DISABLE broadcasting Group Posts to General Timeline in aim to fix  what we talking about here?

                                Because next thing happens now:

                                Group Posts are visible ONLY in Group Timeline.  

                                It happens not only on My Site, but even here :

                                THIS  post from Closed Test Group (Public privacy level) is not shown on General Timeline to Group Members.

                                I've seen that issue was marked as fixed here , but it's not an option - to cut out ability to see what happens in groups on General Feed, it's nonsense. 

                                The role of Feed is to aggregate most important things on site, groups activity  - one of them, otherwise - what the point in Feed?

                                • Posts published on Groups/Events/Persons/Organizations Timeline aren't shown on main site TImeline, because they are in the context of these pages, they maybe irrelevant when posting outside of these pages.

                                  We've made Groups/Events/Persons/Organizations Timeline very similar in principles like other social networks (like Facebook). But Homepage Timeline isn't available anywhere and we've used own approach, and it maybe different vision on how it should functions and we've made what we think is most usable and logical and use it for own sites too.

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