How to setup push notifications for mobile apps

I have my developer working on the apps. 

How do I enabled the push notifications for them? Can I customize the icon for this?? 

Any help would be great!

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Replies (9)
    • Hello!
      We have example of how to set up OneSignal for Jot Messenger here

      We will add update documentation soon for UNA settings.

      • I'm a little confused - are you saying that having the UNA mobile app and Nexus on the website still won't allow the app to give notifications? If so then really the app is little more than a web browser tied to one website?

        If it's the case that JotServer is needed to be installed to get push notifications of things happening on the website, then perhaps that needs adding to the mobile app instructions?

        • I want it so that a message in a jot messagsngrr that the user is part of gets a push notification for a new message in that group.

          • Harry Sondre - It does work if you have OneSignal setup and you have the mobile apps created and for iOS devices you have to setup certificates for push notifications through their developer program. For Android you only have to have OneSignal and Firebase. Android is MUCH easier to setup.

            Another benefit to Android is that even if you don't have the mobile apps created, Android has Web Push which allows for Push notifications to be delivered through websites including mobile sites. So if you have it setup correctly, you can get push notifications sent to your Android browser for Jot or any other notifications that you enable that are supported by Una. iOS/Webkit hasn't enabled Web Push even though I constantly send feedback about it.

            • Okay I am confused...

              I am setting up one signal now, should I select web push or for the apps seperately? Where do I input my one signal information in the una studio? 

              Is there a way to customize the notification icon?

              • Harry Sondre - You can check out the reply I made to cnayl on the Nexus forum post but you can enable and configure all the browsers including Safari if you want too it just depends on how you plan on operating,

                • Hello,

                  I'll try to describe how push notifications work in UNA.

                  Note: I am talking about Web push notifications which work with BROWSERS on Andriod mobile devises and on PC, but don't work in browsers on IOS/MAC and in mobile apps.

                  If you like to enable push notifications for your UNA site, first you need to define settings in OneSignal account for Web Push Platforms like described here and then set OneSignal settings in UNA global settings (studio -> settings -> push notifications) and after that, if you did everything correctly, push notifications should start to work on your site.

                  Jot Server is not connected with push notifications and doesn't influence on them. I have provided with link to Jot client only as an example, because at present we don't have instructions for UNA site, but will add it soon.

                  Modules which can send push notifications by default in UNA:

                  There are two modules which can send push notifications by default: Messenger and Notifications modules. Messenger can work separately from Notifications module and you may send push notifications only from Messenger. In this case you should set OneSignal settings only in Messenger's settings.

                  If you like to enable push notification for Notifications module, you need to define global settings in UNA settings (studio -> settings -> push notifications).

                  The best way is to define OneSingal settings in global UNA settings (studio -> settings -> push notifications) and then just enable ability to use global settings in Messenger, then push notification from Notifications and Messenger module are sent throuth global settings under Notification's module control. I mean you may control which notification's type can be sent as push or as email and so on...

                  If you want to enable push notifications for Mobile apps (IOS and Andriod apps and not for browser's on mobile devices as describe above), then you need to enable settings for Native App Platforms in OneSignal settings and don't need to add or change anything additional in UNA, they should start to work in mobile apps  

                  • Hi,

                    some non working links in this tutorial: here

                    • Hello @Mayki !

                      May you please specify the exact non-working links there? From my side, I didn't notice it ☹️

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