Jitsi Video Bridge

Will this be viable in the future?vtyzgn7wu9rj3hn2aahpjpj35zshrtre.jpg

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Replies (6)
    • You can have it now; rent a VPS; you don't need a huge one; should work on 2 vCores, 2-4 gigs of ram.  You do need Debian 10 or Ubuntu 18.04.  Install Nginx first and the self install will create the reverse proxy server block.  There is a walk through on the Jitsi site; just do a google for Jitsi self hosted and make sure you are on the jitsi site.  They even tell you what ports to open.

      • Edit: Debian 10 and Ubuntu 18.04 are the lowest versions; higher versions will work of course.

        • Is this the same thing as an RTMP server?

          • A VPS is a virtual private server.  It is like a dedicated but it is on a server that is using virtualisation software to create the server.  There are also servers that uses the virtualisation in the Linux kernel to handle it; you actually get access to the physical core and not a virtual core so they are better but more expensive.  You get root access to the VPS so you are feel to install such things as the jitsi server.  The self install will install jitsi and the jitsi videobridge and any dependents that are missing.

            • You will have to manually create the systemd service file but the self hosted help page gives you what you need to enter; you will use vi editor or nano to create the file.

              • Hello!

                Jitsi Videobridge it is just a component in other words it is a part of Jibri. So, it means that when you install Jibri for streaming and recording, Videobridge component is installed with it in the same time. It is something like middleware between Jitsi Meet and Jibri and allows to run many Jibri instances (in case if you have many Jibri instances) to run several video streaming and recordings in the same time.

                Don need on install it specially or separately to your server or adds any special modifications to the Messengers, just install Jibri and you will have it.

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