manual activation does not work for new members

Let's say your Internet Hosting Service (TMD) is blocking mail from because the site was black-listed for spam. How can I manually activate these members with hotmail addresses?

When I try, I get the error message saying it cannot be done. What is the fix? This is getting to be a big problem. Thank you.

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Replies (4)
    • Is TMD your hosting, if so have you tried to ask them to unblock?

      • Haha. Yes, that's the first logical step. Still, I was hoping for a way to bypass TMD because I have so many of these accounts that could not be confirmed. I was hoping for a way to manually confirm them and then manually use other mail servers to contact them and let them know they were ready to participate.

        Any other ideas? Oh, I must add that sometimes TMD will send me a copy of the actual RETURNED html email with the activation link included. In which case, I can confirm their account that way. Interesting, huh?

        Thank you for chiming in, Will Monte.

        • It's not very comfortable, but you can do it, but directly in the table "sys_accounts".

          image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=1932&dpx=1&t=1567615532Would be nice to be able to confirm manually as it could be done in dolphin.

          • Wonderful news, Baloo. This is the information I needed.

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