My mistake in template changes lol


I was making changes within the Protean template themes under settings.

Somehow I have made my timeline to bright along with the people page area under there picture?

image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=3577&dpx=1&t=1589560037 image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=3578&dpx=1&t=1589560054

What setting is it that I set that caused this. I have been looking and can't seem to locate under which tab link in settings it's under?


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Replies (2)
    • Problem fixed. Purchased a new template. Totally was worth it

      • Check in Blocks settings. Also when making changes although time consuming it's always good to write down or screenshot the changes as you make them that way you can go back and change a setting. Also if you have a template mix that you like but plan on future changes to it, make a copy of the mix and make changes on the copy. That way you can scrap it and start over again while still having your original mix. 

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