New Social Media Markets

  The Dolphin concept and UNA are very good concepts for building a new social media platform. Both offer an experience unlike what Facebook and Twitter provide. With more creative user content sharing capabilities, and with the TinyMCE editor you can post content like you do on a Wordpress site, and I have used Wordpress allot over the years.

  Social media might seem like a user defined realm, with various user defined market shares or divisions, however the Big Tech platforms have tried to turn their platforms into arenas or realms where the platform tries to indoctrinate the users in certain political visions that often run contrary to those political paradigms of the users. Its true, and you have to talk about it in order to take a snap shot of the user markets theses days. You might want to look at who your customers might be in the up coming future.

  You might say that instead of these Big Tech platforms being user defined they have become user re-education camps. And so you have the Facebook gestapo or Facebook police.

  From where I have been on social media, with running projects with pages on Facebook, where I grew one special interest page to 10k likes and followers in three months, with video views topping 290k to 400k viewers a month, I sort of know what kind of content might be considered hot at times. While looking at some of my other special interest pages, you are lucky to get 2k likes in several years. Needless to say that my most interesting page on Facebook was often targeted by Facebook, because it was political and provided alternative views to that of the platform I was on.

  Anyways allot of people are tired of this thing they call Facebook jail and so many of them are thinking of going to Parler which is just a cloned script of Twitter and does not offer the users much in terms of tools for sharing content. Neither Twitter nor Facebook want to utilize user tools since this might empower their users to be creative.

  Almost daily on Facebook you see people commenting and saying "Well when are we all going to go to Parler?" Or some of the other alternative media sites. I think that Facebook has got people sort of trapped because they have everybody with their family and friends there, and keep them connected through the communications tools of Messenger and Instagram. So you have to have similar tools as these along with tools that Facebook does not have, to bring people over to another platform. And I think you have to employ this as a vision for helping new platforms to get started.  UNA merely with the TinyMCE editor will empower users in ways that neither Twitter nor Facebook provide.  And so, I think this feature alone would be enough to get people to migrating to new social media sites that employ such tools.

  Now skipping ahead, all you need is for one site to go big, and then all of the developers have new jobs. As the platform developers.

  There are various emerging user markets that you might want to consider to target with UNA and remember the vision of Dolphin and use that in UNA in the future. Bring back user profile customization for one thing.  Maybe add up to ten pages to a profile so users can turn their profiles into a mini website for creative content and to have a personal expression space, or for business uses the user might have.  And of course blogs are important.

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    • His discussion is going on in more places than you can imagine. But as I write this Parler is down. Gab appears to be the next target. The issue faced her is that these sites are utilizing big corporate techs software and servers for the security of a long term stabilized platform that is now turning into a rabid raccoon biting and killing them.

      But this isn’t about big corporates political views. BC could care less, what BC cares about is $$. Don’t believe me, look at the border issue, pre-COVID no wall open borders.  Post COVID build the wall higher and why aren’t the borders sealed?  This is purely based upon the mood of the vocal consumers. Note vocal consumers and not the monetized consumer. We can discuss that later.

      There are some builds coming up pretty fast right now to address this and 2 things will determine the success of the site.

      1.  Who gets done first. As in the group to market first will win as long as their site is dependable and

      2.  Who has the best network for getting people to their site to sign up. For this you will need some major social influencers. 

      Good Luck. 

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