Please add a Subject (topic) line to Conversations

So I noticed that when I'm writing a conversation, that the subject line ends up being a whole sentence up in the cover.

It also ends up being the whole subject line in the link.


Is there any way you guys can put a "Topic aka Subject line" in to be able to shorten these links? Or change the WSYWIG to incorporate that? Because right now, the huge long subject links are annoying and takes up to much space on mobile...
As you can see...No Topic Line in conversation WSYWIG.


All I need is a quick subject and a part of the description...Not the whole email in one link.


This is particular annoying in mobile because the space between the picture and the actual subject is so far apart that I only see two words of the actual subject...


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Replies (10)
    • There is no subject in Conversations, to add subject field custom modification is needed. 

      Even if you add subject field in forms builder then it will not appear in previews without small modification.

      • Unfortunately I don't know enough code to do that...or which files I would need to modify.

        Any reason their isn't a subject line (topic line) in the conversations?
        To me it's basically like a direct email within the site, so a quick subject would make sense, instead of using the first sentence as a header. It's just bulky and doesn't look good.

        • If you're ready to make such modification I can provide instructions on how to do it, just let me know in this topic.

          • Yep, Instructions would be nice. I can take it from there... Thank you.

            • I'd like to get it too' please :)

              • To add 'subject' field to Convos:

                1. Add new subject field in Studio > Forms > Fields > Select module: Convos > Select display: New Convo > then add text field

                2. Check in database the name of added field, let's assume that it's named 'subject'

                3. Edit 'modules/boonex/convos/classes/BxCnvConfig.php' file, near ~37 line:

                'FIELD_TITLE' => 'subject',

                4. Run the following query:

                UPDATE `sys_objects_grid` SET `source` = 'SELECT `c`.*, `f`.`read_comments`, `last_reply_timestamp`, `last_reply_profile_id`, `cmt`.`cmt_text` FROM `bx_convos_conversations` AS `c` INNER JOIN `bx_convos_conv2folder` AS `f` ON (`c`.`id` = `f`.`conv_id` AND `f`.`folder_id` = {folder_id} AND `f`.`collaborator` = {profile_id}) LEFT JOIN `bx_convos_cmts` AS `cmt` ON (`cmt`.`cmt_id` = `c`.`last_reply_comment_id`)' WHERE `object` = 'bx_convos' LIMIT 1 ;

                5. Edit 'modules/boonex/convos/classes/BxCnvTemplate.php' file in two places, near ~223 & ~186 line:

                $sText = strmaxtextlen($r['subject'], 100);

                • The only thing is that the subjects on the conversations lists, now all say Empty...even on the new test convo I just posted.

                  I see the "subject" area in the DB and it has the subject but the BxCnvTemplate.php has it coming back empty. I tried to figure it out...but not sure what I have to add/change to make it work...

                  Also, sent you info on that other problem as it still won't let me edit the convo after I post it.
                  Did get a weird hiccup with the attached pic but went into the forms section, changed a few things and now it works.

                  • It looks like you've typed your field name incorrectly, please make sure that field name in the DB matches the name in the code.

                    • When you say "Field Name" is this the DB field you're talking about?

                      Also, does the "100" at the end of this string mean that it sets how many characters are in the subject body at the top or how many they can put in that will be shown in the inbox link?
                      $sText = strmaxtextlen($r['subject'], 100);
                      So if I put $sText = strmaxtextlen($r['subject'], 30);

                      • Yes, I mean DB field name must match the name in the code. 

                        You can change 100 to 30, it's the length for preview in the grid.

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