Problems Configuring Memberships and Stripe

So I am doing some testing to allow 'premium' members to sign up, and with Studio > Stripe Connect > Settings in 'Test' mode I am getting the error below when using a Stripe Test Card:


The explanation to set-up in GitHub says the following:
"Client ID can be found in your Stripe account -> Account settings popup -> Connect tab. Development client ID is needed for test mode, Production is for live one."

I don't think this applies anymore. Stripe must have changed it's layout (and perhaps verbiage), because I cannot find a 'Development' or 'Production' Client ID.

On > Settings > Connect Settings it shows the 'Live mode client ID' and clicking the 'View Test Data' button at top right of that window will display the 'Test mode client ID', those are what I am using.image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=1802&dpx=2&t=1566489456

ALTERNATIVELY, when I change the settings within Studio > Stripe Connect > Settings to 'Live' mode and I try to run my credit card, I get an error 'Cannot perform the action. Please report."

 The Stripe Developer log shows 400 ERR and says: "message": "No such plan: premium-1-year; one exists with a name of premium-1-year, but its ID is plan_xxx..."
I tried replacing the Live Client ID with the 'plan_xxx...' that it listed as an experiment, and I received the exact same error.

I worked with Stripe tech support yesterday for some time, and was left without a solution.

Any ideas on what I could try next?

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Replies (6)
    • Any suggestions? Anyone else using Stripe, if not, what are you using?

      • Hello

        By default, UNA has Stripe integration in Payments app and separate Stripe Connect app. 

        If you want to simply sell something and process payments using Stripe then you (as site owner) need to install Payments app and configure your (as seller) Stripe account in User End -> Account popup -> Settings -> Paymens -> Stripe. You may read more about it here.

        From the other hand if you are an owner of a big Market site, which uses Stripe as payment processor, and want to get percent from all orders then you need to install and configure Stripe Connect app. It allows to connect sellers' Stripe accounts to your main Stripe account which will receive commisions. You may read more about it here.

        Best Regards

        • Anton L I appreciate the reply. So it can only be used for one or the other?

          I am wanting to utilize the 'big Market site' approach to get a percentage from hosted 'stores,' but I am currently just trying to get the member subscription portion working and not sure where I am having the issue. 

          • Not certainly in that way. Stripe Connect is something like a next level. 

            For now, you need to configure common Stripe account(s) in Payments app. It allows you (as seller) to sell something in Market and/or Paid Levels apps. Don't forget to create associated plans in your Stripe account. The process is described here.

            • I believe I've made some progress with being able to receive the membership payments:

              So in Studio > Stripe Connect all of my info appears to be correct and was in 'test' mode... 

              BUT, in Studio > Payments > Settings I have an Organization page I made set as the 'Site Administrator'
              I went to payment details within that organizations profile settings [] and I had only the live data entered into the Stripe section. I put that into 'Test' mode and entered the test API's, and it eliminated the error of "Your card was declined. Your request was in live mode, but used a known test card." I got the green check mark, it went through, then it hit the same error page "Cannot perform the action. Please report."

              Not fixed, but it's progress. Going to continue troubleshooting.

              • A bit more progress... 

                It appears the payment settings for the memberships has to go through the site administrators account settings, and is unrelated to the Stripe Connect module. I have searched these forums and GitHub pretty thoroughly and do not believe I have seen that stated... maybe I missed it.

                I started a Chargebee account, connected it to the same Stripe account, entered that test info into the profile payment settings, and it appears to have worked fine on the first try.

                (Btw, for others that see this troubleshooting, the 'site name' that is requested in the profile payment settings for Chargebee, is only the subdomain of the chargebee account. IE;

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