Seperate Shoutbox from messenger

I have a Shout Box style page called Shout Out. I do not want Shout Out messages grouped in under Messenger messages because I want Shout Out to only be accessed by a different membership. Can you please separate the messages in future updates so they aren't grouped together? Shout Box is more of a board not for messaging. 


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Replies (4)
    • Hello,
      Do you mean to show messages only on specific page and don't allow to view the talk in main Messenger page for members who have no access to the specific page? If so, then this ability exists by default. You just need to create the page and set requiered membership levels access for it and add messenger block, then this page will be available for appropriate members only.

      • I have both Messenger and Shoutbox separate pages but the Shoutbox messages appear in Messenger by default. 

        • That's because the Shoutbox is nothing more than a "stand-alone" messenger block and not a "separate" module. It is really no different than you going into your messenger app, creating a new talk, and manually adding people to it for a group chat. Only difference is, you can put a ShoutBox block on certain pages. 

          As Alexey mentioned you can set the privacy levels to who has access to that specific page.

          • Ok thanks I understand it better now. I wish they would make it a separate module. We really could use a public chat room that any user can join that has permission without it being in messenger

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