Similar and random posts blocks

Hello, any manual to do it. Thanks. 

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Replies (1)
    • Hello Rocco !

      Here you may see how works the recommended block in the Person app. So you may try to create the similar one for the Posts. Perform the following steps:

      1) create the 

      public function serviceBrowseRecommended ($sUnitView = false, $bEmptyMessage = false, $bAjaxPaginate = true)

      method in the BxPostsModule class (modules/boonex/posts/classes/BxPostsModule.php file) which will provide the selection and drawing of those items

      2) create the page block which will work with this method. Looks like this MySQL command in the Persons app:

      SET @iBlockOrder = (SELECT `order` FROM `sys_pages_blocks` WHERE `object` = '' AND `cell_id` = 0 ORDER BY `order` DESC LIMIT 1);

      INSERT INTO `sys_pages_blocks`(`object`, `cell_id`, `module`, `title_system`, `title`, `designbox_id`, `visible_for_levels`, `type`, `content`, `deletable`, `copyable`, `active`, `order`) VALUES 

      ('', 0, 'bx_persons', '_bx_persons_page_block_title_sys_recommended_entries_view_showcase', '_bx_persons_page_block_title_recommended_entries_view_showcase', 11, 2147483647, 'service', 'a:3:{s:6:\"module\";s:10:\"bx_persons\";s:6:\"method\";s:18:\"browse_recommended\";s:6:\"params\";a:3:{s:9:\"unit_view\";s:8:\"showcase\";s:13:\"empty_message\";b:0;s:13:\"ajax_paginate\";b:0;}}', 0, 1, 1, IFNULL(@iBlockOrder, 0) + 2);

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