ssl for una website

hi guys,

my website is hosted on tmdhosting server i asked them to provide wildcard ssl for my website. they added one wildcard ssl but its only showing to homepage after login its not showing at all.

before login its secure


after login its not secure


and profile page is secure again



when i ask tmdshoting regarding this ..below is what they replied..



Thank you for your reply.

We have reviewed your case, and we found that the reason for your website to be shown as not fully secured regardless of the fact that the connection is made through HTTPS is mixed content.

Mixed content occurs when initial HTML is loaded over a secure HTTPs connection, but other resources (such as images, videos) are loaded over an insecure HTTP connection. This is called mixed content because both HTTP and HTTPs content are being loaded to display the same page.

Considering the above, if you insist on having your connection displayed as fully secured, we would recommend you contact an experienced web developer who could assist you in updating all of your HTTP references to HTTPS.

Should anything else come up, feel free to let us know.


Is there any way to make website complete secure or should we leave as it is ?

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