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Replies (8)
    • Yes it's an interesting article, and these are indeed interesting time. I can't help but reflect on. how much of the damage that's been caused to democratic institutions in the recent decade Facebook has had a direct and fundamental part of.
      "If a business is built on misleading users on data exploitation, on choices that are no choices at all, then it does not deserve our praise. It deserves reform."  - Tim Cook
      I'd love to see this impulse as the starting point for meaningful & lasting change.

      • It is good to see that questions of privacy and data collection come up again and again. Facebook is clearly the worst of the larger contributors to the problem, while regulators fail to out together enough talent and determination to control the abuse. Perhaps rivalry between tech giants is what's needed to actually have knowledgable people look into these issues and call out the bad players. 

        • You only get that big because you are never satisfied by how much money you earn. These companies have had their share of predatory practices over the decades because of it. Now they will turn on each other to get even bigger. It is a lust for wealth, to the point it is all consuming and never satisfying. Money is a must in the world's society, but there are other things far better to prusue and more satisfing.

          • We have been using privacy as a selling point from day one Explaining our prospect members that they can´t get a free profile as we don’t sell their information in order to make revenue. From the very beginning we have had a very simple, honest and transparent business models. The members pay, no one else.

            that is also why we will be grateful if you would re-introduce the pay before join option.



            • Who cares what the CEO of Apple has to say?  That's the same Apple that conspired to take down Parler, a social network with around 8 million members,  Tim Cook has no right to criticize anyone, anywhere, after that despicable behavior.  Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Google and the rest of big tech are run by far left nutjobs, and if they want destroy each other, that's fine with me... but none of them have any right to lecture anyone, on what is right and wrong. They should worry less about what each other is doing, and worry more about cleaning up their own business... ie, stop bedeviling those that don't support their  brand of politics.  Bunch of pricks.... all of 'em.

              • The nature of any large public corporation is that it has to maximise share price - that’s the ultimate reason why boards hire and fire executives. Morality or ethics are present only to a degree that serves the bottom line. A couple of years ago Apple decided that they can market “privacy protection“ as a  strong virtue signal and shit over Facebook and Google. It works to some extent and is somewhat positive for the end customer. Now, they are not a token bearer of great moral compass for sure. They suppress competition, silence free speech, swindle commissions unfairly, etc. They do some good things too, however. So does Facebook, Amazon and Google. Big tech will exist, whether we like it or not, so perhaps it’s best to encourage good behaviour and condemn bad actions. We can, as consumers, restrain those companies and show that our dollar will only go to where they do good.

                Similarly, Apple calling out Facebook is a good thing to do, even if Apple is not inherently good. 

                • Working on an article, I came across an interesting fact in regards to Jeff Bezos, while we all know he owns Whole Foods, Amazon and the Washington Post, what most don't realize is he owns $3.1B USD in Google, large stake in Twitter (invested $50M USDw/initial stake of $15M USD), obviously Alexa, Uber, Facebook and should I keep going?  When he bought Whole Foods he shortly took away the approx 1900 employess healthcare benefits.  

                  Bezos is the best example of an individual viewing their customers are a marketing commodity, utilizing cookies to determine trends and sell those members.  Remember, this is what Robinhood just got caught doing in the GameStop mess, selling members info to their competion, ie the hedgefunds.  

                  This is why I've banned all robots from my site, which I recognize will stunt our intial growth, that compbined with setting the site for the app to download w/out the apple/google stores in the end it's the best way we have to protect member privacy.  

                  While Apple is inherently not good, right now they are the lesser of 2 evils.  

                  • A huge plus for Una, in my view, is that it does not depend on a mobile app hosted by Google or Apple. You guys have done an excellent job in that regard.  

                    Virtue signaling is about all big tech does on the PR front.  They care nothing about the well being of the people they service.  Once in a while, they'll throw out one of those virtue signals, and young dumb impressionable minds will gobble it all up, but the older and wiser know it's just a smoke screen.

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