User last online in 1969?

So I was looking at the people who haven't confirmed their emails and I saw this:


Strangely enough, the user profile is shut off and it says they were last online in 1969? I'm pretty sure my website wasn't up then and also, I wasn't even

Is this a spammer or hacker?

I didn't shut them off but yet the profile is shut off.

Just curious on why it says 1969 and is shut off?

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Replies (3)
    • Hello Five for a Change!

      This error may appear if something is wrong with data form field `logged` in `sys_accounts` table. Possible in this table value of this field is 0 (that's why you get beginning of Unix time? 1.01.1970 - 1 day). May you please specify / check the latest actions which you made with it?

      With the best regards, Leonid

      • I haven't done anything to this table...

        Is it in the actual database?

        • Hello Five for a Change!

          Then please specify your latest actions with the accounts / persons fields. And you may provide me your Cotrol Panel access via Messenger and i will check what could be wrong there.

          With the best regards, Leonid

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