Website corruption

A day ago an executive got caught using insider info to make thousands off NFT's on OpenSea, the biggest marketplace to sell digital goods. I immediately saw the potential for corruption on how OpenSea allows only certain people to get a verified blue checkmark. Basically you have to have over 10,000 followers on Twitter or Instagram. While blue verified checkmarks aren't necessarily needed to sell your does go a long way when OpenSeas advertises verified profiles as safer and more reliable....not really fair to artists that don't have 10,000 followers...on top of this OpenSeas picks and chooses certain goods in their "Featured" section on the front page as soon as you log in...these Featured NFT's always sell out fast and get big offers.....and an executive of OpenSea used this info on who's work would be in the Featured section to buy the NFT's right before they hit the Featured section where they would immediately be resold at much higher profit. $67,000 he made off doing this. This isn't a gripe at OpenSea...when we are looking at websites that work, how websites modeled on influencers and followers can be harmful, this is an example. It also opened up my eyes on how a "Featured" section on my website could be interpreted as favoritism if my site is to be impartial to users. On the other spectrum how can we reward users who use our sites and bring in activity and engagement. 

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