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I am not sure what I am doing wrong or how I can fix it. It could be the fact that I am not an expert when it comes to configuring cron. I am running Una on Centos7 through Digital Ocean. To make life easier I attempted to use centoswebpanel since I am so much better navigating inside of the control panel. I have cron jobs set up for my Una installation but they are not running apparently. The webserver audit says that cron has never run. I also tried running cron though EasyCron which I use for other things and it will not work there either. It says that the IP address for EasyCron has been blacklisted but everywhere that I look inside of the panel tells me that it is not blacklisted. 

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When I go to my admin panel (studio) and try to change settings I can look at all of the settings and can even change them but clicking the save button does absolutely nothing? 

  • 1073
CFCEO Discussions
Save buttons in admin panel